Kindness Cards Art Activity

You can use this simple art activity to help students connect with kindness and generosity.

Image: Carrie Edmond

Kindness Cards
Age range: All ages
Materials: Index cards, hole puncher, markers, yarn
Time: 30 minutes
Prep: Punch a hole in the upper corner of each index card; cut lengths of yarn

Begin with heartfulness practice, sending kind wishes to others. Invite the students to imagine others sending kind wishes to them, and to notice how that feels. Afterwards, talk about how it feels to send and receive kind wishes. How does it feel to actually do something kind for someone else?

Explain that you’re going to do an activity to express those kind wishes to others and to study how it feels. Have students choose a few kind wishes in their own words. Give each student a few index cards and shared art supplies. Have them write a wish on one side and decorate the other side. Thread and tie a piece of yarn through the hole on each card.

Have the students give out their cards randomly to other kids during the day. The next time you meet, discuss how it felt to create and give out their kindness cards.

Carrie Edmond is a middle school counselor, a long time mindfulness practitioner, and a grad of the Mindful Schools Year-Long Certification Program. She is the founder of ONE Mindful Maven and SA Mindful Education, based in San Antonio, TX.

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