Mindful Schools Research Update, Vol. 1

How widely is mindfulness being implemented in schools? What are the proven benefits? How can this impact my work with mindfulness at my school?

It’s no simple task to find the answers to these questions. While research in the mindfulness field has been growing exponentially in recent years, finding relevant and applicable information can be difficult. Thankfully, we were able to assess some of the latest research from the American Mindfulness Research Association. Since 2013, USC’s Professor David Black PhD, MPH, has been aggregating all the reputable mindfulness research on adults and youth. The information includes clinical settings, chronic conditions, and conceptual pieces about mindfulness – data that is comprehensive but far exceeds what’s useful to educators. In response, Mindful Schools is offering this bulletin to highlight the matters that you really care about.

Mindfulness Journal Publications by Year, 1980 – 2016 Source: goAMRA.org

In the Mindful Schools Research Quarterly, we will aggregate and summarize all the mindfulness in schools research on a seasonal basis. Every publication during the calendar year which meets our criteria will be included, so that you can also evaluate it for yourself. We’ve added a summary with some interpretation to each citation and highlighted a few studies that seem especially relevant to many of our educators. (The opinions expressed are those of the author, not Mindful Schools.)

So the next time you want to do a professional presentation or talk with a principal or district coordinator about why mindfulness in schools is valuable in K-12 education, cite some research!

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